The History of the Smokefree123 Process
Twenty years ago Rita Black began her hypnosis practice Shift Hypnosis in Los Angeles California with her mission to help transform smokers to non-smokers with her easy, fast and affordable one-session stop smoking hypnotherapy process.
Rita was convinced that it wasn’t so much the addiction to nicotine that keeps people slaves of their smoking habit--it was their mental dependence.
Rita’s process was designed out of her deep research into how the mind, over time as we smoke, literally “gets hypnotized” to believe that our cigarettes or vape are our friend, that we need them in order to get through life and can’t even imagine what life would be like without them.
Rita devised her hypnosis based process to “un-hypnotize” the mind back to its original state of being a non-smoker by allowing the smoker take back their identity, power and ability to live life as a happy non-smoker in one coaching and hypnosis-based session.

Within a few years word grew about Rita's success rate and ease with which people were able to stop in one session.
People from not only California but from all over the world: Europe, Russia, the Middle-East, India, China, South America came to Los Angeles to be her clients. Rita's smoking clients ranged from retirees, students, moms, teachers, grocery clerks to high level CEOS and celebrities.
All types of smokers have been treated by Rita and her Smokefree123 process with great success: short-term and long-term smokers--occasional “party” smokers to four-pack-a-day smokers.
Through the years...
In order to continue to expand her mission of providing affordable smoking cessation to people who could not come to see her in her LA office she devised the online version of Smokefree123.
Smokefree123 online provides the same powerful one session process. The video coaching sessions according to members are like “sitting in the office with Rita” and the audio hypnosis session is “powerful and effective.”
Rita is thrilled to be able to reach so many people and offer them top-quality online smoking cessation hypnosis that is affordable, easy and effective from the comfort of their own home.