The SMOKEFREE123 Process
Stop Smoking Easily-Our Smokefree123 Process
Smokefree123 is the online version of our 95%+ success rate, one session, hypnosis-based stop smoking process. This specialized 4-part method utilizes the power of hypnosis and specialized non-smoking mindset coaching to help you stop easily and permanently. It has helped thousands of other smokers become free. Here's what you get when you enroll...
- Part 1 Prepare-Get ready and excited to stop with “Prepare for Success Audio”
- Part 2 Smoking Cessation Session: Getting Ready to Be a Non-Smoker-Your coaching videos
- Part 3 Become a Non-Smoker- This is your smoking cessation session--designed to be just like coming to see me in my office and just as effective. Just watch the videos, listen to the hypnosis and become a non-smoker from the comfort of your home..naturally and easily.
- Part 4 Transition-Support into your Non-Smoking Life with reinforcement coaching, a meditation session and hypnosis to make your new life as a non-smoker easy and enjoyable
- You’ll be a happy, healthy non-smoker
- Instant, lifetime, 24/7 access to all of the above plus the bonuses
- 30-Day Money Back Guarantee if you use the program and are not fully satisfied
The Smokefree123 Program was created by Certified Hypnotherapist and Smoking Cessation expert, Rita Black. Rita and her programs have been featured in numerous publications and news outlets.
The Smokefree123 Program has a proven success rate, and Rita Black has helped over 10,000 people become happy and healthy non-smokers.

The Smokefree123 hypnosis-based process has helped over 10,000 become happy, healthy non-smokers.
- Hypnosis has been proven to be 3 times more effective than nicotine replacement in clinical studies published by the National Institute of health.
- Quit smoking by losing your desire for cigarettes or vaping--no hassle, withdrawal or weight gain.
- Our online process can be done from the comfort of your home from your phone, tablet or desktop.
- Because our process can be done in one online video coaching and audio hypnosis session you can become a non-smoker in a few easy hours.
- Studies have shown that audio hypnosis has been proven to be as effective as in-session hypnosis.
- Smokefree123 is a less expensive, convenient, fast and effective hypnosis-based option.
- Start enjoying your life as a non-smoker right away with our continued support process offering daily online coaching, reinforcement hypnosis and daily meditations for your first week.
- Feel better immediately and proud of yourself that you are free!
- NO RISK we offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Additional Bonuses You Receive with Smokefree123

BONUS #1 Non-Smoking Stress Management 101
Worried about freaking out once you stop smoking? You can learn to manage your stress as a non-smoker!
My mini-course includes both a video coaching hypnosis and stress-management audio hypnosis session to guide you through some easy and powerful tools for dealing with stress and emotions.

BONUS #2 Non-Smoking Weight Management 101
Many women (and men too) fear gaining weight once they stop smoking. This session includes a video of me coaching you through some great strategies for maintaining your weight after you become smokefree. I also include a great audio hypnosis session called “Manage your Sugar Cravings” that helps shut off the desire for sweets and carbs.

BONUS #3 The Social Non-Smoker
“Will I ever have fun again once I stop smoking?” Are you someone who thinks that becoming a non-smoker removes the ability to gather with friends and let your hair down, especially when alcohol is involved?
Don’t worry! In this powerful bonus section I walk you through how to really enjoy your social life as a non-smoker. The pre-social event audio meditation is perfect to listen to before you go out the first couple of times, so that you're ready to let the non-smoking good times roll.

BONUS #4 Vapefree 101
Nowadays many people have picked up vaping as well as smoking. Or they just use a vape or e-cigarette. This coaching session prepares you to use Smokefree123 successfully to put the nicotine habit behind you. There is also a hypnosis session more focused on vaping to use instead of the other hypnosis session for smoking cessation.

BONUS #5 Healthy Lifestyles Hypnosis Pack
This bonus contains hypnosis downloads to help you conquer exercise, portion control, mindless eating, and sleep.

Still on the fence about stopping smoking cold turkey, and if it's possible to do?
Register today for my free, on demand, masterclass, where you'll learn...
- MY 3 MENTAL STOP SMOKING SECRETS to eliminate what most people think of as “craving”, “withdrawal” and “deprivation” (that can lead to weight gain).
- THE 3 COMMON QUITTING MISTAKES that keep you unable to stop permanently and HOW TO AVOID them.
- MY 3 STEP PROCESS that can remove your mental resistance so that becoming a non-smoker can be a joyful (not painful) experience.