How Meditation Can Help You Stop Smoking Easily: 3 Effective Techniques


If you've been trying to quit smoking and haven’t been successful, you may have begun to notice that what you need is more of a mental edge over stopping, rather than just focusing on nicotine. And you are absolutely right. More than 80% of stopping smoking is mental.

In this blog, what I'm going to go through are three mental meditations that are going to really give you a mental edge over stopping smoking so that you can go out there and practice these and begin your journey to becoming a happy, healthy non-smoker.


“I want to stop smoking so bad, I know it's bad for me. I know I shouldn’t be doing it, but why do I keep doing it?”

The fact that you are still smoking is really not your fault. It's not that you lack discipline or willpower. It's just the way the mind is constructed. The conscious mind is very small, it’s only 12%. That 12% of the mind is the conscious willpower part of...

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Are You Trying to Stop Smoking by Switching to Vaping?


If you’re someone who started vaping in order to stop smoking, you may have found yourself vaping way more than you were smoking in the first place.

In my clinical smoking cessation practice, I have many smokers who tell me stories about how they started vaping to “be healthier”. But now, instead of their former 10 a day habit with cigarettes, they got hooked on Juul or the Puff Bar. They tell me that they’re waking up and vaping all morning, hiding in their office vaping, even waking up in the middle of the night to vape.


If it does, let’s start with the question...why are people vaping?

The nicotine part of vaping is very powerful but the force that drives people to vape way more than they smoke is dopamine. And dopamine is the reward center of the brain.

Nicotine is part of it, but the majority of that agitated feeling you get is dopamine. Once you understand that, you can see that the key to gaining ...

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Parents, Has Smoking and Drinking Become Your Evening Reward?

Are you a mom or a dad who thinks that smoking or vaping with your drink of choice at the end of the day are an inseparable pair? Maybe this is also something you feel trapped by?

It’s easy to fall into this trap of thinking that a cigarette or vaping at the end of the day with your wine, beer or cocktail is a treat that you can’t live without. But ultimately, the honest result is it leaves you feeling guilty, am I right?


I’m a parent, so I get it. You feel like you’ve made it through the day without anyone ending up in the hospital, the kids are fed, loved, and tucked into their bed. You’ve juggled a million things, and now it’s time to sneak outside to the porch or patio and unwind with your cigarettes or your vaping device and your glass. Guess what? It’s not your fault that you see this as a reward. And you’re not alone. A lot of parents feel this way. I have parents who come into my practice several times a week that have this same story. And they feel...

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How to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight


Do you want to stop smoking cold turkey, but you’re afraid you’ll gain weight when you stop smoking? Or maybe you’ve tried to quit smoking in the past, but you gained weight, and then went back to smoking? 

Keep reading, because I’m going to share with you the three biggest fears that keep people smoking, and I’ll explain why they’re just myths. And the best part, I’ll give you the solutions you need to quit smoking cold turkey without weight gain or other things that you dread.


I’m Rita black. I am a clinical hypnotherapist and a smoking cessation specialist and a weight management specialist. And here's the deal with me. I'm a former pack and a half a day smoker and I smoked for many years. I was afraid that I was going to gain weight when I quit smoking. And in fact, earlier in my smoking life, I stopped smoking for a while and I gained a ton of weight and so I went back to smoking. But one thing...

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3 Ways That Stopping Smoking Helps With COVID-19

It's true that smoking and vaping may double the chances of lung infection that has been associated with Covid-19. But here's the good news...when you stop smoking, many of the risk factors disappear within days!

In this video you'll learn how you can quickly get out of the “infection zone” a few days after stopping smoking.

And you'll also get tips on managing the stress of trying to stop smoking during a pandemic.

Register for the FREE “How to Stop Smoking or Vaping Without Withdrawal, Cravings or Weight Gain” masterclass here.

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The Top 3 Reasons People in Their 30's Quit Smoking

Are you in your 30's and are thinking about stopping smoking?

You aren't alone!

In fact, many people quit smoking at some point during their 30s. And in this video, I walk you through the top 3 reasons that people quit in their 30s. And I also give you great tips to stop smoking cold turkey if you're ready to become a happy and healthy non-smoker.

And if you’re ready to really kick that smoking or vaping habit, I encourage you to check out my free online masterclass, How to Stop Smoking Without Withdrawal, Cravings or Weight Gain. It’s an amazing tool to become a happy and healthy non-smoker once and for all.

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Have You Smoked Forever and Don't Think You Can Stop?

Do you feel like it's useless or impossible to stop smoking because you've smoked for 30, 40 or even 50 years?

Trust me, it is still possible to quit smoking, and even quit smoking cold turkey.


In this video, I share with you the specific physical things that occur in your body within minutes, hours and days of stopping smoking.

Then I'll explain why stopping smoking is still a great idea, even if you think the damage has already been done.


And if you’re ready to really kick that smoking or vaping habit, I encourage you to check out my free online masterclass, How to Stop Smoking Without Withdrawal, Cravings or Weight Gain. It’s an amazing tool to become a happy and healthy non-smoker once and for all.

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Try These 3 Meditations to Help With Quitting Smoking

If you've been trying to quit smoking cold turkey, maybe you are beginning to notice that what you need is more of a mental edge over your stopping than just the physical nicotine part? You are absolutely right. More than 80% of stopping smoking is mental!

I would like to walk you through three meditations that are going to really give you much more of a mental edge over your stopping smoking. 

How can meditation help you stop smoking?

THE 12%/ 88% MIND

Our mind is divided into two--the conscious and the subconscious.

12% of the mind is the conscious willpower part of the brain. So when you're trying to quit smoking, really that is only how much of your brain really, truly wants to quit smoking. 

Our subconscious mind--which makes up our habit, beliefs and emotions is about 88% of our mind. Our subconscious minds primary focus is to keep things as they are. So if we smoke, the subconscious believes that we need to smoke to survive and it will protect that belief.

So, even tho...

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It Isn't the Cigarette That's the Treat if You're a Smoking Parent

Are you a parent who’s found that smoking and having a glass of wine at the end of the day has become your guilty pleasure?

And even though you see it as a special treat at the end of the day, you’re feeling trapped by it?

In this video, I walk you through why you fall into this trap that seems like a great reward on one hand, but also why you feel guilty over it.

I’m a parent, and I completely understand the stress of raising babies and how that stress feeds into your smoking addiction.

After all, I used to be a heavy smoker myself.

But it is possible to be a parent who quits smoking cold turkey. And it’s possible to quit smoking and still treat yourself in the way that you deserve.

Because it isn’t actually the cigarette that’s the treat at the end of the day. Your brain just sees it as the portal to that special alone time. And this video explains exactly why that is, and how to kick it.

Are you ready to quit smoking using hypnosis? Have you tried every other method out th...

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Stopping Smoking Without Weight Gain is Completely Possible

Are you afraid that you’ll quit smoking cold turkey and gain weight?

Or maybe you’ve tried to stop smoking in the past, gained weight, then picked the cigarettes right back up.

It doesn’t have to be that way! You CAN stop smoking and not gain a single pound.

And in this video, I walk you through the three biggest fears and myths that people have about quitting smoking, one of those being weight gain.

But that’s not all…

I also give you the solutions to kick those fears and myths in the face.

It is completely possible to quit smoking using hypnosis, and not gain weight. Watch the video to learn more.

And if you’re ready to really kick that smoking or vaping habit, I encourage you to check out my free online masterclass, How to Stop Smoking Without Withdrawal, Cravings or Weight Gain. It’s an amazing tool to become a happy and healthy non-smoker once and for all.

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